I know someone who was DF'd for saying the lawyers, Service Desk, the Branch, the GBs are responsible for the pedophile issue, and they are the ones that need to apologize for their course..
DF'd for "speaking abusively of the glorious ones"
would making fun of an elder, co or governing body member, be considered brazen conduct or some other wt sin, like apostasy?
is it an actionable judicial matter, even?.
I know someone who was DF'd for saying the lawyers, Service Desk, the Branch, the GBs are responsible for the pedophile issue, and they are the ones that need to apologize for their course..
DF'd for "speaking abusively of the glorious ones"
greetings, fellow posters:.
i bought a nearly new 7-speed bicycle at a yard sale for $30 last weekend and took it out this morning on our paved local bicycle/walking trail.
the last time i rode was in my early- to mid- twenties when i used a bicycle to get to and from the kh for my pioneer service.
Just don't be looking backwards as you come to a curb... I had not biked in some years, was having a great time.... but my depth perception? my coordination skills were down... then, so was I... bam, slam, my chin was cut open...
Wasn't too long after that, and a little practice, that I got my skills up to speed, and had great fun!
i haven't posted in a long time, but all this news re: prince has brought up alot of "stuff" for me.
having been a born-in 3rd generation until being disfellowshipped, losing all of my family and friends i had since birth in one big go, i find myself going between frustration, and honestly some feelings of resentment, and ...relief...regarding prince (who, by the way, i am not disparaging personally, just, as most of us know, he would have been held up as the perfect example of what not to be by the watchtower organization and the double-standard/hypocrisy is rather stunning).
resentment/frustration, due to my personal experiences and those of many i knew.
I feel what you are saying, AFB.... You tried to do something nice for someone, and the WT squashes it..... That organization is not one of "love"..... they are the Borg. Really.
It is so hypocritical for them to treat rich people one way, and the 'not famous' another. They hurt people in so many ways, especially because you hear them repeat at assemblies/ conventions, "we show love the world around" , "we are truly loving our neighbors" then act the opposite, in a clandestine way.
You are right... this just might help wake some people up... at least wrestle with their consciences...
You are a good person, the WT is the bad guy...
Hang in there,
cha ching
according to the watchtower society, which event marked the start of the "70 years".
on which day and month did that event occur?.
WT writes in a very specific and wily (cunning & sly)... deliberate manner. Their sentences are long, interfused with illustrations, comments, commas, interjections of scriptures all to confuse you, throw you off track, and disrupt your ability to discern their intent.
Sometimes, after reading a paragraph, and re-reading it, you realize that it really has said nothing at all.
When we read the two articles in 2 different 2011 WTs on 607, to sort thru all their loaded language, I had to cut it apart then tape it back together, because WT would say "we'll get to that later" ... that meant the next article.
WT is decevious. (New word, haha deceitful & devious rolled into one!)
cha ching!
i found out this morning that my brother died last night, he was also an ex jw, 73 years old and died of heart disease and kidney failure.
it was not totally unexpected, as he had been in poor health, but it's a blow, especially as i just lost another brother two years ago.
there were six of us, now only four.
Dear LisaRose, we send our love and best wishes, our family is something to cherish, they are a little bit of the puzzle and a great part of our picture. Take care, cha ching
if you have the jw app running on your tablet, watch the latest (may) governing broadcast and hear tony the jackass, and when you get to 7 minutes and 44 seconds ...hit the pause button.. read the words at the bottom of the screen as per the jw app close captioning.. "well beyond the intent of the scriptures" .
he is describing the governing body past, like the ghost of christmas past.
yes, the governing body past were a bunch of freaking yahoo's violating 1 cor.
They went "well beyond the intent of the scriptures"???!!!
Why are you listening to people who go "well beyond the intent of the scriptures???
Tell me, JWs.... are you going to have to wait for another 100 years to hear how they again are now going "well beyond the intent of the scriptures" !!!???
Remember.... if you question them/ the Borg.... you are dead to them.
You lose all, they get all.... but, they 'go well beyond the intent of the scriptures'....
Say that to yourselves a few times... "well beyond the intent of the scriptures."
my wife and i live in a small town in northern new jersey.
there is a building near our house that, many decades ago, used to be the local post office.
it sat idle for many years, but a couple of years ago, some folks bought it and renovated it into a nice little cafe.
as i seem to remember, in april 2010 i bought one of the first ipads.
i saw the virtue of using it immediately.
it was wifi.
Funny, SimonT.... the same exact thing happened at our hall... "No tablets, that's worldly"..... then "surprise!" .... it's "ok"..... and as another thread you are made to feel guilty if you are 'not keeping up' with Jehovah's Chariot... that fast moving organization!
PS, my sister's hall had a School servant like yours... he would hold up the ipad to show "time is up"!
“are you using jw library?”: (15 min.
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then play andbriefly discuss the video start using “jw library.”afterward, do the same with the videos downloadand manage publications and customize the readingexperience.
ms. elena valenciano, chairman of human rights commission in european parliament has been informed about this video:.
she is taking care to bring and claim about this situation within european parliament.